CoEd Basketball Camp - 152004

CoEd Basketball Camp

$253.00 - $263.00

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Activity Details

CoEd Basketball Camp

Meeting Details

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Days: Mon - Fri
E.O. Smith H.S.
1235 Storrs Rd.
Storrs/Mansfield, CT, 06268


Grade 3-9
Start & End Registration of Spring Programs BEFORE spring reg. opens
Less Than or Equal to 0 days after the Enrollment(s) end date.
Family Member Feecode of NR.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 06/10/24 @ 5:30am.
Less Than or Equal to 0 days after the item end date.
Activity Type of 'SWIM,HFIT'
Transaction Date/Time on or after 06/03/24 @ 5:30am.
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: 1MAWIND (1mo A/W Individ), 1MNRIND (1mo NR Ind.), 1MRIND (1mo Res Ind), 3AWACF (3mo A/W Ad/Chil), 3AWACOP (3M A/W A/C OP), 3AWACOPS (3M A/W A/C OP 2), 3AWACS (3M A/W A/C add'), 3MAWF (3mo A/W Family), 3MAWIND (3mo A/W Individ), 3MAWOPF (3mo A/W OP Fam), 3MAWOPI (3mo A/W OP Ind), 3MAWOPS (3mo A/W OP Add'), 3MAWS (3mo A/W Add'l), 3MNRF (3mo Non-Res Fam), 3MNRIND (3mo NR Ind.), 3MNROPF (3mo NR OP Fam), 3MNROPI (3mo NR OP Ind.), 3MNROPS (3mo NR OP 2nd), 3MNRS (3mo Non-res add), 3MRAC (3M Res Adt/Chld), 3MRACS (3M Res A/C add'), 3MRF (3mo. Res Family), 3MRFS (3M Res Fam Ad'l), 3MRIND (3mo Res Ind), 3MROPAC (3M Res OP A/C), 3MROPACS (3M R OP A/C add), 3MROPF (3mo Res OP Fam), 3MROPFS (3MROP2nd), 3MROPI (3mo Res OP Ind), 3NRAC (3mo NR Adult/Ch), 3NRACOP (3M NR A/C OP), 3NRACOPS (3M NR A/C OP ad), 3NRACS (3mo NR A/C add'), AR-AWACF (AR-A/W Adlt/Chl), AR-AWACO (AR-A/W A/C OP), AR-AWFAM (AR-A/WFamily), AR-AWIND (AR-A/W Individ.), AR-AWOPF (AR-A/W OP Famil), AR-AWOPI (AR-A/W OP Ind), AR-NR-AD (AR-NR Adult/Chi), AR-NR-FA (AR-NR Family), AR-NR-IN (AR-NR Individ), AR-NR-OP (AR-OP NR Indiv), AR-NROP- (AR-OP NR Adlt/C), AR-NROP0 (AR-OP NR Fam), AR-R OP- (AR-OP Res. Indi), AR-R-ADL (AR-Res Adult/Ch), AR-R-FAM (AR-Res Family), AR-R-IND (AR-Res Individ), AR-R-OP- (AR-OP Res Ad/Ch), AR-R-OP0 (AR-OP Res-Fam.), AW-R A (AW Renew Active), AWACF (A/W Adlt/Chld), AWACFS (A/W A/C Add'l), AWACOPF (A/W A/C OP), AWACOPS (A/W A/C OP Ad'l), AWFAM (A/WFamily), AWFAMS (A/W Family Ad'l), AWIND (A/W Individual), AWOPFAM (A/W OP Family), AWOPFS (A/W OP F Ad'l), AWOPIND (A/W OP Ind), CRT 1MO (CRT 1 Month), NR-ADT-P (NR Adult/Child), NR-ADT-S (NR Adt/Chd Addl), NR-FAM-P (NR Family Pass), NR-FAM-S (NR Family Add'l), NR-IND (NR Individual), NR-OPIND (OP NR Indiv.), NR-R A (NR Renew Active), NROP-ADS (OP NR A/C Addl), NROP-ADT (OP NR Adlt/Chld), NROP-FAM (Off Peak NR Fam), NROPFMS (OP NR Fam. Addl), R-ADLT-P (Res Adult/Child), R-ADT-SU (Res A/C Add'l), R-FAM-P (Res Family Pass), R-FAM-SU (Res Fam Add'l), R-IND (Res Individual), R-OP-ADL (OP Res Adlt/Chd), R-OP-ADS (OP Res Adult Ad), R-OP-FAM (OP Res-Fam.), R-OP-FMS (OP Res Fam Addl), R-OP-IND (OP Res. Indiv.), RES-R A (Res Renew Activ), SILVENR (Silv.Sneak-NR), SILVER (Silv.Sneak-RES), 3MSTUDENT (3mo STUDENT), STUDENT (STUDENT PASS - ANNUAL), valid on transaction date.
Less Than or Equal to 0 days after the item end date.
Family Member Feecode of RES.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 06/06/24 @ 5:30am.
Less Than or Equal to 0 days after the item end date.

CoEd Basketball Camp

Additional Camp Forms and Med Forms (for Epi-Pen/Inhaler Administration) must be returned prior to camp.


Charge When Not Billed:
Convenience Fee (Fee Increase - Percent (New Fee Line)): $3.00
Recreation Sport Camp (Standard Fee): $250.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Convenience Fee (Fee Increase - Percent (New Fee Line)): $3.00
Recreation Sport Camp (Standard Fee): $260.00
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